The redecorating began with a day of furniture shopping. In the end we found a sofa with 2 recliners built in, a loveseat with 2 recliners built in, and a rocking recliner, all in burgundy leather. The color started us on track to redo the whole room. We went back to the furniture store with our paint samples and got a dead on color match.
My wife, Elaine, is great at this stuff and she has been having a blast picking out all of the decor. She also knows how to handle a paint brush, miter trim and sponge accents so we've managed quite a lot in a short time. Ryan (20) and Amy (15) did their share as well and Benji (2) has supervised the entire project with the measured patience of a true project manager ("I want to watch a moofy on the wall!").
We added a chair rail and this really cool plaster crown molding that allows us to hide cables and add rope light very easily. There are more pictures in the photo gallery.